
Artist Statement

My work delves into the themes of impermanence, decay, and the beauty that emerges from deterioration. I hope to capture moments of transition, where familiar forms are altered through spontaneous and unpredictable processes of chemical disruption and physical manipulation. Polaroids, known for their instantaneity and clarity, are subjected to forces that warp, dissolve, and transform the images. The images are a testament to the unpredictable beauty of decay and the transformative power of artistic will. It’s an invitation to witness the interplay between creation and destruction, permanence and transience.

Parry Paine headshot

Patty Paine is the author of Grief & Other Animals, The Sounding Machine, and three chapbooks. Her writing and visual work have appeared in Blackbird, The Adroit Journal, Gulf Stream Magazine, Denver Quarterly, Thrush Poetry Journal, Lomography Magazine, South Dakota Review, and other publications. She is founding editor of Diode Poetry Journal, and Diode Editions, and is Director of Liberal Arts & Sciences at VCUarts Qatar.