Spatial Awareness: Digital Collages

Artist Statement

My collages are created with fragments of recycled imagery collected from my daily life. I am especially intrigued with the often-overlooked backgrounds, colors, textures, shapes, and people in everyday photographed materials. The process of deconstructing images and then re-integrating many pieces, to create something completely new, is an exhilarating and ongoing visual experiment.

Each collage begins with a premise or simply an evocative piece of paper or song lyric. Like a puzzle, the composition evolves one piece at a time. I continue to cut, crop, color, or otherwise manipulate possible elements, making decisions about what works and what is needed next to complete the composition. A minimalistic approach eventually melds the palette of repurposed images together into fresh, layered imagery with new associations and meanings that reflect my interest in concepts of time, balance, movement, and sexuality.


hueydotnewton is a multifaceted artist based out of West Virginia. They participate in numerous national and international shows, and currently have work hanging throughout the United States, Iceland, France, and Holland. Their works primarily focus on their passion for personal narratives and surroundings. In the future, hueydotnewton hopes to open a contemporary art gallery with their husband, in Holland.