Friday Lunch Blog

Dig in every month as our Lunch Ticket staff brings you thought-provoking personal essays and nonfiction stories in our Friday Lunch Blog. From stories about grief and loss, to tales of growing up and overcoming challenges, to celebratory pieces about love and family, these stories are shared every second Friday of the month. With these blogs, we aim to give you a glimpse into Lunch Ticket and the values we stand by for this literary publication, to empower writers and readers with the knowledge and skills to lead meaningful lives and to advance social, economic, and environmental justice. We hope you enjoy!

But I’m an Astronaut! (AKA write what you know)

Caitlin Bagwell
Hello, fellow scribes! We meet again. Today, I want to talk…

What Would Dolly Parton Do?

Caitlin Bagwell
Hello fellow Word Processor Mavericks! When I first was asked to write about voice I thought I had drawn the…

AWP: A Field Guide To and For the Dangerously Reclusive

Caitlin Bagwell
It's that time of year again, fellow scribes! For anyone who loves books. For anyone who loves writers. It is…

The Best Idea For A Novel Ever!

Caitlin Bagwell
Hello fellow pen slingers! To kick off the inaugural blog post here on Free Lunch I want to talk about…