It Takes Twelve (12) Onions to Make My Mom Cry
it takes twelve (12) onions to make my mom cry.
her mascara was running
and she wouldn’t stop saying dammit.
she cursed this twelfth onion
because it was her last one
and all the eleven before hadn’t made her cry
but this one waterfell.
she wouldn’t stop laughing
but boy she kept saying dammit.
she cursed the cutting board and the kitchen knife,
the lit match, the goggles, the fridge,
the cold water, the held breath,
the fan, the lemon juice,
the burnt match,
and all the other methods
that people say will keep onions from making tears
but don’t actually work.
her hands were
but she never cut herself.
so she laughed while crying and saying dammit
and cursing this world.
i came upstairs
from the basement
and boy did we laugh.
i laughed at her
and with her,
her eyes were cascading
black streaks of what she’d carefully applied.
when my mother was growing up
my grandpa constantly shamed her for her makeup.
he said it was the sin of pride.
my mom grew up in a small town in oregon
and eastern washington
and she wasn’t allowed to go to school dances
because that was the sin of lust.
isn’t it funny how
femininity is shamed
even when it’s on women?
i find it funny
as a man very much in touch with his feminine side
just how much of men’s hatred of women
gets projected on me.
it takes twelve (12) onions to make my mom cry.
her mascara was running
and she wouldn’t stop saying dammit.
she cursed this twelfth onion
because it was her last one
and all the eleven before hadn’t made her cry
but this one waterfell.
Mercury-Marvin Sunderland is a Hellenist transgender autistic gay man from Seattle who uses he/him pronouns. He currently attends The Evergreen State College, and his dream is to become the most banned author in human history. He can be found as @Romangodmercury on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.